The game “The Power of Passport”
The game “The Power of Passport” was created with the intent to put the audience in the journey of those forced to migrate through the traffic networks managed by coyotes through Mexico, because they do not have access to a regular visa for the United States, as narrated in the homonymous documentary.
The game is entirely based on the data collected for the report. Travel routes (by land and by sea), railway routes, the location and distribution of the hotels, drug trafficking bands, natural barriers and border police are true to reality, and the dynamics of action have been built to facilitate the maximum identification of the players in the various situations that may arise.
An average game lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.
The game is suitable for an audience of 11 years and is available in two formats:
– table top (max 5 players)
– giant (size 8 × 6 meters, max 9 players)
The entertainment of the game is always led by one of the MAIS representatives who are available to organize:
– recreational-educational workshops in school and extra-curricular hours in secondary school classes of first and second grade;
– thematic meetings for young people and adults;
– outdoor awareness events;
– evenings events for table games fans;
– presentations at theme shows;
– presentation of the game while screening the documentary “The Power of Passport”.
For info:
Il gioco “The Power of Passport” has been realized with contribution of